
Check out our animation and design work, as well as different packages offered by the Studio.


Stills and videos

We create all our artwork and animations from scratch, to be scientifically accurate and visually appealing.

Illustrated scene from animation of organs in the immune system
Scene 1.1-01
Scene 2.2-01-01-01
People in a public park
A patient with surgical infection being visited by medical staff.
Illustrated scene from animation of immunology researcher working at a lab bench
Toybox Scene 1-01-01
People in a tenement street
Three surgeons operating on a patient.
Illustrated scene from animation of dissected lung alveoli and lab equipment
Treatment scene_1-01
A graph of age proportions in 2050.
Person recovering from surgery at home.
Our videos

Animation portfolio

Visit and subscribe to the Cloud Chamber Studios YouTube channel for up-to-date examples of animations.

Graphic design

Our graphic design portfolio

Our previous commissions include magazine covers, feature illustrations, infographics, event banners and logos. We are happy to work in a variety of styles to suit the context. 

Cover of EUSci science magazine showing title (Origins) with starburst of geological layers, atoms, cells and ancient languages
Cover of GIST science magazine showing word 'Truth' in large letters on a stylised newspaper background
Image of event banner showing pipette logo and cartoons of different science topics
Image of event banner showing stylised planetary orbits and petri dish
CARRII Intro-01
CARRII Full 1.3-01-01-01-01
Bodyscape logo showing multicoloured lungs with negative space cutout of a paintbrush
Illustration of a row of famous scientist marble busts next to statue of 'The Modern Academic', who has multiple arms
Science Chats logo featuring round-bottomed flask containing speech bubbles in liquid
Infographic explaining the outcomes of a workshop on use of GP data in research
Panels-Digital 1.3-01
Panels-Digital 1.3-02
Get in touch


We are currently booked for commissions until April 2025. You are welcome to contact us in advance to secure a future project.


Animation packages

Our basic animation package contains the following elements:

  • Consultation on how best to design and share your animation for a given audience
  • A brief and script developed with relevant stakeholders
  • A storyboard to link the narrative and visual elements
  • Bespoke illustrations in a style to suit the context
  • A narrated animation with or without backing music
  • English captions and other accessibility considerations.

Depending on the timescale, budget and requirements of your project, you may also want to consider:

  • Co-designing with patient or public groups at each stage of animation development
  • Static visual resources or branding based around the visual elements of the animation
  • Additional language captions and/or voiceovers
  • A feasibility study exploring the best format and platforms for sharing your animation
  • Evaluation and legacy planning to maximise the effectiveness of the resource.
Cloud Chamber Studios logo showing a stylised swirling cloud chamber in white
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